Micro TESE

Micro TESE- A Revolutionary Approach To Support Male Reproduction

Over the last decade, fertility technology has advanced significantly, and men who were previously considered sterile are now able to father biological children of their own. In In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) using Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection was the first of these breakthroughs. In India, males with very low sperm counts undergo a micro TESE procedure, giving them the option to become biological fathers.

The Objective Of Micro Tese

For males who don't have a sufficient amount of sperm in their ejaculate fluid, the option of going straight to the testicle and looking for any little pockets of sperm production may be a possibility. Microdissection testicular sperm extraction or Micro TESE is the term for this procedure. This causes almost zero harm to the testicular structure. However, there might be some side effects, such as blood supply issues caused by the cutting of microscopic blood vessels. It also appears to boost the amount of sperm that can be extracted for IVF procedures.

About Micro TESE Procedure

Microdissection Testicular sperm extraction is a surgical sperm collection operation used in the treatment of infertility in men who have no sperm in their ejaculate due to testis dysfunction (non-obstructive azoospermia). Micro TESE Procedure involves a physical biopsy of the testicles in which the cell to be removed is identified using an advanced operative micro dissecting lens.

The testicle is opened and examined under operational magnification to find any little spots within the testicle where sperm are being created. Multiple areas are retrieved and evaluated right away to check if there are any sperm present. Any sperm discovered can only be utilized for IVF and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

The treatment can take anywhere from one to four hours. There will be a need for general anesthesia. In order to improve surgical sperm retrieval rates, some men are put on hormonal medicine for three months prior to the Micro TESE Procedure.

Advantage of Micro TESE:

  • Higher rates of sperm retrieval
  • Acute postoperative problems are less likely to occur.
  • There are fewer long-term alterations in testicular function.
  • Ultrasound exhibits fewer complications.

What To Expect?

During the Micro TESE, experts first use the TESA technique to extract sperm. If that fails, they move on to mapping, and if sperms are still not found, they resort to micro TESE. Because the micro-TESE method does not guarantee that sperm will be detected, professionals frequently have a "back-up plan." Many couples choose donor sperm as a backup option, which has been pre-selected and can be utilized for fertilization if sperm are not identified during the micro TESE procedure.